Tag: saiyan

At last! SSJ4 Unlocked!

DAIMA reboots the GT’s SSJ4 Dragon Ball GT had it! Dragon Ball Super everyone hoped for it, but got Ultra Instinct! Dragon Ball Super arrived! Broly arrived; Gogeta unleashed! Dragon Ball Super Broly became canon! And so did Gogeta. And DAIMA’s latest episode, introduced the SSj4, making history, breaking the internet! Yeah, the wait is […]

Was it a Dream, or Was it Real?: A Dragon Ball Z Paradox!

Turles, Goku’s evil self’s bamboozling fact revealed! Akira Toriyama, the creator of the Dragon Ball Z, had once revealed that The Tree of Might could be Goku’s dream. This has left many fans perplexed. Now, The Tree of Might was entertaining indeed, but it wasn’t up to the Dragon Ball Z mark. It’s the 3rd […]

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