At last! SSJ4 Unlocked!

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DAIMA reboots the GT’s SSJ4

Dragon Ball GT had it!

Dragon Ball Super everyone hoped for it, but got Ultra Instinct!

Dragon Ball Super arrived!

Broly arrived; Gogeta unleashed!

Dragon Ball Super Broly became canon! And so did Gogeta.

And DAIMA’s latest episode, introduced the SSj4, making history, breaking the internet!

Yeah, the wait is over! Super Saiyan 4 was introduced at last. DAIMA some time back had Vegeta going Super Saiyan 3. Everyone felt the excitement and all. And at last, in the Demon Realm, Goku attained the incredible feat of unlocking the Super Saiyan 4, but with a twisted reboot.

Awakening awakens it

Two weeks back, in the 18th episode titled “Awakening” Goku battles King Gomah with his Super Saiyan 3 fury, however, King Gomah turns the tide and was about to wipe Goku out; when with the help of the Namekian Neva, Goku pulls up one more ace up his sleeve, one that no one expected! Super Saiyan 4 was unleashed.

Akio Iyoku, an executive producer of the Dragon Ball DAIMA, in a recent interview, had warned everyone that there’ll be incredible action scenes and unexpected twists, that’ll foil the plans of those who think they have had figured it all. And Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta in the 12th episode titled, “True Strength” was just the beginning.

Dragon Ball fans are no strangers to a brand new Saiyan transformation now and then. The first major transformation came during the clash of powers between Frieza and Goku as Goku turned Super Saiyan. In the DBZ series itself, we witnessed Super Saiyan 2 and 3. Later in Dragon Ball GT came Super Saiyan 4. And after that in Super Saiyan God forms in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F and Dragon Ball Super,along with the Ultra Instinct. Later we had Gohan take the Beast form in Dragon Ball Super: Superhero. And now the Super Saiyan 4 form in Dragon Ball DAIMA.

SSJ4: The differences between GT and DAIMA

In Dragon Ball GT, Goku attains the level during a fight with Baby Vegeta on Planet Plant. Goku after regrowing his tail turns to Golden Oozaru and goes on a rampage. But due to Pan and his love for the family, Goku learns to calm his Great Ape form and takes the leap to SSJ4. Albeit, Goku was in a child form, and he became adult, but retained his original hair color i.e. black. In DAIMA, Goku attains this form he has Neva, helping him attain this new level, but he’s still in his child form, and his hair becomes red.

Dragon Ball DAIMA’s Super Saiyan 4 is assumed to be the complete antithesis of Super Saiyan God. Dragon Ball Super had Goku tapped into Divine Ki, while in DAIMA, having Neva imbued Goku with the magical powers of Demonic Ki. This could explain his red hair, but there’s no feasible explanation for Gogeta’s red hair in GT. And another striking feature in both the versions is that he has his Saiyan tail back during the transformation.

Anyway, no word if DAIMA will return for a new season yet.

Dragon Ball DAIMA is available on Crunchyroll.

Pic Credits: Dragon Ball/Toei Animation

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